Máquinas perchadoras, tundidoras, tundidoras verticales y combinadas, esmerilladoras, cepilladoras y pulidoras
La empresa DANTI PAOLO es un fabricante de máquinas de acabado textil, especializado en máquinas de acabado de superficies para tejidos.
Estas son las maquinas de nuestra producción, en esta sección se pueden ver las diferentes maquinas disponibles.
Le hemos dicho qué máquinas producimos, pero lo más importante es saber dónde pueden ayudarle nuestras máquinas.
Even the best machine, when is not properly maintained and taken care of, is slowing decaying in its performances, reliability and quality.
In this section we are talking about the theory of our machines, what is the state of the art and what are the grounds where these technologies are coming from.
When you are looking for budget solutions and search for a reliable machine, we have the opportunity for you.
máquinas de acabado textil
… lo hemos estado haciendo durante 85 años …
NEWS Although CoViD-19 has reduced dramatically the possibility to travel, we have been able to offer installation and service to…
NEWS ApparelViews (www.apparelviews.com) and online magazines about the latest technologies in textile, has published an article about our Brush/Sueding machine…